Bring Active Farmers to your Community

At Active Farmers we believe where you live shouldn’t mean you don’t have access to opportunities to exercise. We know exercise is a powerful tool when it comes to health and wellbeing and we know when we exercise with others we build stronger communities.

We engage passionate local people to deliver our services. Rural fitness, for rural people, by rural people.

Our focus is on small rural communities (population less the 3000) that currently don’t have a group fitness service. Think your community is to small? Think again! Our smallest Active Farmers Community has a population of approx. 30 people.

Active Farmers funds a fitness professional, equipment, venue hire and administration support to ensure the longevity of regular group fitness in our communities.

We work with community, government and stakeholders to establish new Active Farmers communities.

If you feel we can help your community please contact us today:

Active Farmers Manager - NSW & QLD
Marliese Heffernan - 0414 398 568 - Click for email address

Active Farmers Manager - VIC, TAS & SA
Claire Harrison - 0458 373 397 - Click for email address

Active Farmers Manager - Western Australia
Boyd Rae - 0427 990 531 - Click for email address