Join The Cherry 'Ride For Resilience' on April 22nd 2023

Riders are set to enjoy the stunning Hilltops Region in aid of raising funds and awareness of Active Farmers and the positive impacts it has in small rural communities. 

The Young Cherry ‘Ride for Resilience’ is a one-day charity ride set for Saturday 21st April. The 137km ride will commence at Young and continue to Boorowa, Harden and surrounding areas.  

Active Farmers will also be hosting a Friday night function prior to Saturday’s ride at Grove Estate Winery, Young, featuring special guest, Wallabies Coach, Eddie Jones. The event will commence at 6pm and is open to all riders, sponsors, rugby fans and anyone else keen to support Active Farmers. 

Active Farmers is a grassroots organisation that brings farming communities together to counter alarming mental health statistics in the regions through group fitness in a fun, supportive environment. CEO Justin Sampson leads a team of 48 qualified personal trainers in more than 60 small farming communities across the country, reaching some 1500+ participants each month, and says the demand for this kind of community support continues to grow. 

Recent independent research conducted by the Regional Australia Institute strongly supports the benefits Active Farmers has on a small community.  

  • 98.1% of respondents scored their mood 4 out of 5 after attending an Active Farmers group or event, with regular physical activity, social connection and taking time out being the most common factors. 

  • 91.1% of respondents indicated that they have had the opportunity to socialise with people that they would not ordinarily be able to, and similarly 91.8% feel they have a great sense of belonging through Active Farmers. 

The ride is $350 per person and includes the following: 

  • Friday Night Drinks and Canapes @ Grove Estate Winery, Young with special guest, Wallabies Coach, Eddie Jones. 

  • Morning Tea @ Boorowa 

  • Lunch @ Harden 

  • Dinner at the Services Club @ Young 

  • Riding Kit (includes shorts/top) 

  • Support Car and maintenance specialist 

Riders are also encouraged to raise additional funds via GoFundraise, to go back into supporting new and existing Active Farmers communities that cost on average $7000 per year in personal trainer wages, equipment, venue hire, and health-related workshops. 

Overall, it is evident that Active Farmers does contribute to the resilience of many communities it works with, by improving the social fabric and connectedness of many of the communities it operates in. This subsequently leverages the reported improvements in physical and mental wellbeing of participants, as well as improvements in their self-esteem and sense of their ability to face adversity and to persevere.   

To register for this fantastic event and help Active Farmers make a difference in rural Australia go to:  


Thank You 2023!


An Evening With Wallabies Coach, Eddie Jones