Active Farmers Survey Results
A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who completed our survey and about Active Farmers! It has been absolutely fantastic to receive some invaluable feedback from so many participants!
During the months of September and October we ran a competition to win a brand new Samsung Galaxy tablet! To enter the competition a survey about Active Farmers was completed - congratulations to Marie Harris for being the lucky winner :)
Marie Harris receiving her tablet from her Active Farmers trainer Kim Broomby
SO.......... Here are THE RESULTS!!!
What do people like about Active Farmers?
The most positive feedback was that the aim of the service is very well understood by our Active Farmers participants! We know this because nearly half of the people who completed the survey related to physical activity and community, followed by one quarter of people liking the social interaction aspect of group fitness classes. People also liked the contribution to mental health & wellbeing, local access to fitness activities, the dedication of our fantastic trainers, working at their own pace and AF social media posts.
Thank you for sharing our vision - to build stronger and more resilient communities through LOCAL group fitness classes in towns with limited or no access to many similar and other services!
What do people want to see more of?
31% had no suggested improvements to the service, and other suggestions included;
- further expansion
- more men at class
- more advertising and awareness raising
- establishment of running groups
- more workshops involving mindfulness, mental health, stress management and nutrition.
- Meal plans/recipes were a feature of suggestions
- kids classes/activities and more mental health links & workshops.
- workouts to do at home
- challenges
What do people want to see less of?
Aside from bad weather, mozzies, football warm ups and burpees nearly one third of respondents had no suggestions for IMPROVEMENTS.
We asked you some more questions and the most undivided response was in relation to our asking our participants if they would like a membership option and 81% voted YES!
We are going to get to work to implement some improvements to the Active Farmers service based on your feedback! One of our first actions has been to roll out the 4 week health & wellbeing challenge (in progress) which includes recipes and meal plans, plus workouts to do at home and education about mindfulness, fitness and nutrition (similar content that is run in our workshops). As a priority we are going to start developing a membership package to offer in the New Year given 81% wanted a membership and will base this on your feedback. We will also continue to expand our service and endeavour to build our participant numbers, plus address some other suggestions we had!
In the meantime if you missed our survey please feel free to send in any feedback and suggestions about how we can continue to help improve our service - just click here!