Getting to know Nicola, our massage therapist in Wagga Wagga

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Originally from a merino wool farm between Tarcutta and Tumbarumba in NSW, I have returned to the area to open my massage business in Wagga. I have answered some frequently asked questions here to tell you more about myself and my massage business!

What qualifications do you have? 

I have 15 years experience in dance training, for which I reached a professional level and finished a bachelor degree. After an injury resulting in a knee reconstruction, I changed my focus on to massage. I completed my training in Bali in 2015, studying massage and anatomy and physiology. Coming from a sportive background and doing excessive study on efficient movement, human anatomy and understanding the injury recovery process has helped me help others! I absolutely love my job! 

What sets you apart from other massage therapists? 

Most masseurs rub the affected area, which can cause more inflammation and can be very rough. I use trigger point therapy which allows you to breathe into the muscle helping it release naturally. It goes deeper into the muscle fibres, getting a more effective release. My clients say they can feel the tension leaving the muscle as they breathe into the muscles and that in comparison to other remedial massages, trigger point therapy is less rough on their bodies. 

Can I claim through my health fund? 

Unfortunately, at this moment my qualifications do not allow me to have a provider number. However I am in the process of having my diploma recognised in Australia to allow you to claim my massage through your health fund. 

Can you treat me? 

If you are unsure about the best treatment option for your ailment, body or medical issue, please don’t hesitate to call me to discuss which health provider (massage, physio, doctor, etc) is the best approach for you. 

What is the most common problem you see? 

Shoulders! Our lifestyles in this day and age are so fast paced that we ‘don’t have time’ to look after ourselves. Tight shoulders are the number one cause for headaches, the first thing to suffer when stressed and one of the hardest parts of the body to stretch or self-massage. 

I have arthritis, can you help me? 

Arthritis is defined as inflammation in the joints. Muscle ends attach in our joints, so when the muscles are tight, they can pull on the joints causing inflammation. In some cases arthritis can be relieved or even cured through releasing tight muscles. For example, for arthritis in the ankles, if the calf muscles are released the ankle joints have less pressure on them and therefore the inflammation goes down. 

Any last words? 

If you are taking pain killers daily, please stop! Call me to discuss the best treatment plan for your condition.

For more information or to get in touch with Nicola lick here to be redirected to her page :)

Ali Lane