Meet Waz, an Active Farmer @Quandialla who shares some of his thoughts about being an Active Farmer!

This week we caught up with Waz, an Active Farmers from Kim's group at Quandialla and he has shared some information about his life and his thoughts about Active Farmers!

Quandialla Male Profile.jpg

Can you tell us a bit about you and where you grew up? 

I grew up on a farm which is an isolated place in North Western NSW. Weekend sport and athletics carnivals were essentially our social events.

What do you love the most about living in the bush? 

Not having to endure the hustle of cities and the traffic. Also the friendly environment of a smaller community. 

How long have you been going to Active Farmers classes? 

Approximately 2.5 years.

What do you like the most about Active Farmers classes? 

Active Farmers is just a group of people enjoying exercise, a non competitive, non judgemental simple program which helps to maintain fitness and body core strength. 

It is an excellent opportunity to socialise with a few good friends.

What advice would you give someone thinking about attending?

Just do it. You will feel so much better afterwards.

What are the benefits of your Active Farmers classes you think your male counterparts should understand? 

The benefits are a little exercise should help with general all round health. Both physically and mentally.

How do you keep yourself motivated enough to get to class? 

The longer term benefits of feeling healthier, having a young family and being able to keep up with the children. Also with the idea that exercise is a great role model and plays a huge part in ensuring children are encouraged to do the same.

Active Farmers often have fundraising events for mental health awareness, how does this resonate with you? 

Mental health is possibly a greater problem than we give it credit for. As we extend our knowledge base we begin to understand the issues associated with mental health. By engaging in a little exercise and being active advocates for mental health awareness the benefits can only help to be positive.

What is your favourite motto?? 

Life is not a dress rehearsal. Enjoy it and don’t leave it to imagination.

Thank you very much Waz for sharing your story and some thoughts about Active Farmers with us - lets hope some non-Active Farmers male counterparts reading this will find some motivation to get along to Active Farmers!!!




So what does it mean to live life to its full capacity?