Dugald McKay makes the first Tuesday night 50 class milestone!!
Hello Active Farmers!
We have another exciting milestone - Dugald McKay has become the first 'Tuesday night' Active Farmer to hit 50 classed! Well done Dugald and thank you for sharing some insights about how you keep yourself it, healthy and motivated.
Dugald, you have been an Active Farmer from the very beginning (end of Feb 2015) and have just completed 50 Active Farmer classes - well done!!! How do you keep yourself so disciplined and motivated to attend Active Farmer classes so regularly?
The discipline and motivation comes from the extra strength and flexibility I gain, from regularly attending your glasses. This helps me stay fit for my other hobbies, being golf, tennis etc.
You have just successfully got yourself through two winter's and regularly attended Active Farmer classes (not easy!). Do you have any tips for your peers to help them keep up their motivation?
Winter is certainly harder, however it is even harder to get back if you miss two weeks in a row. You have to force yourself to keep going and the reward is always large after each session. You just have to make it a habit. Just " focus, do it, done!"
Since becoming an Active Farmer in February last year have you noticed any improvements to your general health and wellbeing? If so how has this made a difference to your day to day activities?
The increase in strength and fitness helps every day, especially around the physical activities in agriculture. It gives you the confidence to lift heavy objects with the right technique and posture. With confidence your productivity also increases which assists your well being.
What is your favourite thing about being an Active Farmer?
My favourite thing about being an active farmer is watching Rob Fairchild skip! In addition, supporting Riverina Bluebell.
I know that there are lots of people within the Mangoplah and Uranquinty communities who may be considering becoming an Active Farmer, however are still unsure about committing. What advise would you give these people?
If you are thinking of coming to active farmers my advise is- just do it, jump out of your zone, take action, not thoughts. You can never regret having a go. In addition, we get a reward every month with dinner at the Mangoplah Hotel.
As a group Active Farmers so far have raised $2,000 for Riverina Bluebell, and given you have attended the most classes you commitment to Active Farmers has gone a long way to contributing to this donation. How does supporting Riverina Bluebell, a non-for profit organisation for mental health in the Riverina resonate with you?
Like many charities and welfare organisations Riverina Bluebell is amongst the highest priorities. Men are lousy talkers when it comes to themselves. Mental health affects us all at some stage of life. We need to stop being embarrassed and start sharing our thoughts. It is a wonderful organisation.
If there is one quote or motto that you relate to could you please share this with us?
My quote that keeps me attending is; " the pain of discipline is better then the pain of disappointment!"