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Active Farmers Games @ Coleambally 2022

WHY: The Active Farmers Games is an event that aims to raise awareness of the importance of physical and mental health, and in addition to inspire more men to get active!

WHEN: Saturday 12th March 2022 - commencing 9am

WHERE: Coleambally Community grounds/ovals

WHO: The main event will involve teams of three people (consisting of at least one male and female) and is open to anyone over 13 years old (with parental/guardian consent). Please contact Ginny Stevens (Event Manager) on 0439 343 925 to discuss further. There will be a kids obstacle course for U13 year olds.

COURSE: The course is designed to mimic challenges we may face in real farming life, and how these can be better overcome with a team by your side. Each team member must be at the start of each obstacle (3 team members together) before commencing the obstacle. If a team member cannot do the obstacle then another team member must complete it on their behalf. The 3 team members must cross the finish line together. There will be 20+ obstacles.

COST: $35 person (13years and over). There will be a kids course for children under 13yo which is FREE.

WHAT ELSE: Food and entertainment will be available on the day! This will be a family friendly event with something for everyone.


Go to for more information and to register!

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